
Made for the moments that matter | Income #MadeYours


Planning made yours

No two financial journeys are the same.

People's needs are becoming more complex, carving different lives for themselves, and with that comes different goals.

At Income, it is about what really matters.

It's not about financial planning.

It's planning, made yours.

First we address their pain points

The messaging strategy

All the benefits of the Income service, familiar yet enhanced, with added intuition, flexibility and personalisation.

We need to identify and target potential customers at their 6 key life moments, in order to deliver a personal message.

Your time, your way, your call
Made just for you
Explained better
Made seamless

Facebook post

Only 1 in 4 new parents in Singapore are saving enough for their child’s university education. Are you one of them?

Parents who plan 15 years ahead with Income have increased their savings by 175%. Do you know where you stand in terms of saving for your child’s future? Use our interactive tool to find out now!

Frame 1: Are you giving your child  the best head start they need?
Frame 2
Frame 3
Frame 4: Start planning now to give your child the best head start to the future.
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